"I strongly believe in the EAC's mission of empowering students/families to make smart financial decisions in order to help them achieve their goals."

Meet Amy Jin
-Data Analyst for Liberty Mutual Insurance
-Boston College class of 2018
-Past On the Money and Economic Awareness Council Intern
-Interested in tennis, oil painting, and photography
When did you start with OTM as an intern? Why did you join?
I stumbled across the On the Money (OTM) internship during the very beginning of my senior year in high school. I saw OTM as an opportunity to develop my writing skills, to absorb more financial knowledge, and to gain more self-confidence. Due to the growth I attributed towards the OTM experience, I came back to intern with the Economic Awareness Council (EAC) during my college summers.
Do you believe that being an On the Money intern was beneficial to you. If yes, please explain.
My OTM/EAC experiences helped me grow both professionally and personally. From the job shadows and development conversations, I gained exposure to various potential career paths. From presenting on financial topics around the city, I've gained more self-awareness and confidence in speaking up. Not only did the EAC/OTM equip me with a deeper understanding of the importance of financial literacy, but my experiences also showed me the value of having a community who advocates for you. The peers and mentors I've encountered along the way empowered me to pursue a quality education and a fulfilling career.
Tell us about yourself now. Did you graduate from college? What year? What major? Who do you work for? Where do you live?
I graduated from Boston College in 2018 with a degree in Economics. Shortly after graduating, I started a position as a Data Analyst at the Liberty Mutual Insurance headquarters in Boston. As an analyst, I make data-informed recommendations to the business on various different projects. In the near future, I plan to continue pursuing a higher level of education with a Master's in Public Policy/Administration. In my free time, I like to play tennis, oil paint, and take photos!
Anything else you would like to add? Are still involved with the EAC/OTM?
Even though I started as an OTM intern about six years ago, I still do my best to stay connected to OTM/EAC. I strongly believe in the EAC's mission of empowering students/families to make smart financial decisions in order to help them achieve their goals. Today, I continue to volunteer some of my time to the EAC through judging scholarship entries and offering job shadows.